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5G Wave Salad
Looking at a few online sources it seems that the rollout of 5G is a health disaster for all mammals that are living within its reach. At first glance there doesn’t seem to be a whole lot people can do that are living in the effected areas, which at first are the cities.
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“So isn’t this regulated, and this is one of the most interesting things that I’ve found. The federal communications commission is who is supposed to be regulating wireless technology. But if you look at the regulations they are almost 20 years old. So that means our most advanced technology is using science that’s least 20 years old. But not only that, they’re based on a concept which is nearly 50 years old which says that if microwave radiation does not heat us, then it can’t possibly hurt us. But there’s now hundreds of studies that show that this is false. So how is it, that we have a regulatory body that’s not protecting the public? Well, like many issues, like many public health issues, in our country, you end up having industry influencing the regulatory body. And that’s what’s happening here.”
The only hope seems to be the orgone generator, to neutralize the bad parts coming off the (near) microwave frequencies that make up 5G. I don’t know enough about Wilhelm Reich’s work to offer a solution – but it does seem that orgone generators are worth researching if you live in an effected area.
Claudia, “Ow, there was one that I wanted to ask you, what do you think about organite, does it help?”
Harald, “In principle yes, it does work – the way it’s described. It’s attracting and absorbing rather unfriendly forms of radiation. The thing is that it’s absorbing it, and at a certain point the material is saturated. And then it starts to again distribute this type of signature (in)to the environment. And then of course the question is if you just buy a simple one or make a simple one yourself; how long can you use it? In a halfway healthy environment, it’s about 3 to 6 months you can use it, and what then? Do you want to throw it away or do you want to burn it? Just put it, what to do with it? So that’s a problem if you just keep it in your environment it’s getting toxic, if you put it somewhere else it’s getting toxic somewhere else. There are a couple of ways to in-build things that keep the quality o.k. what you can do is use it like a crystal. You can wash it under running water frequently, or put it into a little river stream, flowing water on it then the negative energy is discharging again. So you can clear it. This is one possibility. The other possibility that there are certain crystals that you can use. Build them in. That keep the material clean of these bad signatures and energies. (…) Disthyne or Kyanite.”
“Drosophila oogenesis as a bio-marker responding to EMF sources” ≈08.2013. PubMed, research paper. Accessed Feb. 11, 2024.
Johnson, Jeromy. “Wireless Wake-up Call” 18.02.2016. TED x Berkeley, online video. Accessed Jan. 13, 2019.
Stockton, Nick. “Trump wants the EPA Radon Program cut. So do some Scientists” 31.07.2017. Wired Magazine, online. Accessed Jan. 07, 2019.
“Cell Towers – 5G Wireless – Cell Phone Health Warning!” 24.01.2018. Shaking My Head Productions, online video. Accessed Jan. 19, 2019.
Ogrin, Scott. “A better stylish smartphone Faraday Box” 05.02.2018., online video. Accessed Jan. 19, 2019.
Ogrin, Scott. “5G is just the tip of the iceberg” 17.07.2018., online video. Accessed Jan. 19, 2019.
Dr. Goldberg, Sharon. “Veteran MD Drops Bombshell About 5G Technology Dangers At 5G Hearing” 31.10.2018. Collective Evolution, online video. Accessed Jan. 17, 2019.
Claudia and Harald Kautz-Vella. “Harald Kautz-Vella on 5G and the Wave Salad we are exposed to!” 07.01.2019. Cabin Talk, online video. Accessed Jan. 15, 2019.
Sanchez, Rick. “5G Wireless: A Dangerous ‘Experiment on Humanity’” 14.01.2019. RT America, online video. Accessed Jan. 19, 2019.
“AT&T, Verizon delay some 5G rollout after airlines warn of chaos“, 19.01.2022. Al Jazeera English, online video. Accessed Jan. 19, 2022.